Frequently Asked Questions
Why is the 'small' in
Educare Small School
so important?
Many of the philosophies behind Educare Small School could be applied to any school size. The smallness of the school, however, brings its own special advantages.
Children function as individuals rather than in groups. This fosters respect for each other's differences so that the children are relatively non-judgemental. The mix of parents from very different socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds is diverse and the sense of community fosters respect.
Being together in a small environment means that children of all ages mix. The older children are caring towards the younger ones and they all learn from one another. Bullying can happen everywhere, but it gets seen and dealt with before it can develop. Group bullying wouldn't really have a chance to get started. Parents can talk to the teacher and raise any issues on a daily basis.
Peer pressure is at a minimum, so the commercialism that assails young people today has less impact at Educare. The children mature at their own rate. Peer pressure forces some children to grow up before they really want to or act older than their age. At Educare they follow their own pace. The older children seem to have a true internal maturity that isn't about external expectation or pressure.
The Hall is amazing: children of all ages in small groups just get on with their work, able to focus and not disrupt one another. It really works.
A typical day at Educare
Every day at Educare is different, but we always start the day with a Movement Circle as a whole school and then move to our groups for focus time. A morning break of fifteen minutes if followed by more activities and fun! After an hour for lunch and play we do Quiet Time before we start the afternoon with a 15 minute break. Forest School and PE take place off site with specialist teachers. The school is open at 9am and finishes at 3.30pm.
What is the
Alexander Technique?
This is an approach of re-educating the body so that it is in correct alignment and unites the mind-body relationship.
The Alexander Technique teaches the skilful "use of one's self": how we move, how we stay still, how we breathe, how we learn, how we organise our awareness and focus of attention and, above all, how we choose our reactions in increasingly demanding situations.
It is a subtle and thoughtful discipline, but essentially practical and problem-solving. The Alexander Technique works through re-establishing the natural relationship between the head, the neck and the back - the 'core' of the body that supports the strength of the limbs and which provides the structural environment for breathing and for the internal organs.

Why are circles important?
A Circle is used for many regular events and celebrations like Friday Circle, Birthday Circle, Leaving Circle, Harvest Circle. It symbolises a joining together and gives everyone involved an opportunity to participate equally. Monday and Friday Circle happen weekly and give children a time to investigate their feelings, understand each other's differences and praise each others strengths. Birthday Circles happen for everyone however old and Farewell Circles give closure to the leaver and also the rest of the school. Harvest Circle teaches us to share our resources and consider a community wider than our own.
What do you do at Quiet Time?
After lunch every day the whole school lies down for Quiet Time. We are all still and silent, either listening to music or doing a simple meditation. This gives the children an important pause after playtime to focus and re-energise for the afternoon's activities. When our Alexander Teacher is at the school she works on the children at this time with the help of two or three of the older children.