Teachers, parents and children need to work together
The old proverb 'it takes a community to raise a child' still holds true.
Involving parents in school activities -The children know that all the adults around them are working together in their interests, in a strong supportive community.
Nurturing relationships - We allow time to help children to understand their own feelings and to manage relationships with each other.
Fostering an early understanding of moral issues and social responsibilities - We encourage our children to think and act for themselves, and as part of the Educare community. Children work and play in groups which cross age, sex and ability barriers, as they will in adult life.
Getting involved in local community events - We are always on the lookout for ways to engage with our local community. Some of our regular events include: a stall at Ham Fair every year; regular visits to Canbury Community Garden; trips to the Kingston Library and our annual Christmas Fair.
Enjoying joint activities in groups of various sizes- We assemble as a whole group frequently, (such as for Monday Circle, Friday circle, lunchtimes, playtimes, birthdays, farewell circles) and work together to care for each other and value our strengths.